The Evolution of Identity over Generations with Dr Eliza Filby and Dr Ian Pearson - Episode 4

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With a look into the past and a long view of the future,  we can better understand, and maintain, our sense of identity in a shifting world.

On this episode of The Future of You, we’ve brought together two sides of a generational coin - a historian and a futurist - to unpack how our relationship with identity is shaped by our generation. Are our notions of identity influencing demographic and societal changes, or might it be the other way around?

Dr Eliza Filby and Dr Ian Pearson dive into the dichotomy between individualism and conformity, future generations’ wildly varied path through the world of work, the role of AI in representing ourselves to others, and whether class will recede or increase as an identity marker in the future.

This episode of The Future of You covers:

  • Shifting patterns in identity, and whether they influence societal changes or vice versa
  • The possible future role of AI in faithfully representing our personalities
  • Individuality in the future workplace, and whether workers can shape a corporation’s moral compass
  • The potential for class to cease being a marker of identity

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Dr Ian Pearson

Dr Eliza Filby

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Episode highlights

“Within each generational category, each individual is really shaped by five other things. That’s your gender, your geography, your educational status, your economic status, and the age in which you fall into that generational range. Those areas, I think, really define and provide the nuance and what I'm getting at.” - 6:25 - Dr Eliza Filby

“When you're thinking about the future of technology, you always have to think about the world you're going to release it into, and how that world is going to behave. So you have to think about the future as a whole systemically.” - 8:45 - Dr Ian Pearson

“It's not just students, it's young 13 year olds marching in support of activism against climate change. These activists are getting younger and younger, and the way in which they are collating, gathering and becoming activists online is new, but the process isn't.” - 15:00 - Dr Eliza Filby

“Your AI will take all of the arguments from all these people, it'll know all of their personalities, it will be able to present to you all those views condensed from all of those 8 billion people out there that are connected to the net. I think that's bound to change things. It just essentially destroys tribalism as we know it today.” - 20:20 - Dr Ian Pearson

“If you can get enough people around the world to support those ideals, it is possible to retrieve that back again. I think that's what Generation Beta will probably try to do, because it'd be so annoyed with the potential world that they could have had compared to the one which they've been given by the millennials and the alphas that have completely wrecked it in the meantime.” - 35:30 - Dr Ian Pearson

“This generation is going to be living in a very changing, agile, less secure, workplace dominated by technology and AI, and they're going to have to be nimble, agile workers that are constantly upskilling. That is why they know they can learn more on YouTube than probably at university. That is why it's ludicrous to saddle them with a load of debt with a degree when they're 21, when they actually need to be learning throughout life.” - 43:15 - Dr Eliza Filby

“As you replace more aspects of an average job with AI roles - all the administrative stuff can be done by AI and physical stuff can be done by robots, more of it can be done by machines - what's left is the basic human stuff. What that comes down to is personality. It's the caring skills, the empathetic skills, leadership skills, motivational skills, all of those basic human skills as we call them, that really come to the fore.” - 50:15 - Dr Ian Pearson

“I think we have been predominantly consumed, in a positive way, by gender, sexuality and racial difference. I think that if you analyse the dynamics within those movements, you will see that class is actually the predominant factor driving a lot of those conversations.” - 53:45 - Dr Eliza Filby