The Future of You Wins: Best Technology Podcast

This week The Future of You podcast won big at the Independent Podcast Awards 2023, picking up the award for Best Technology Podcast.

Thank you to all the judges, also to our listeners and thanks to all the guests so far.

I'm so delighted at this win because it is recognition for this area of study around a changing identity in a digital world, and the effects of technology on our sense of self.

It was wonderful to read the judges comments, as they really seemed to appreciate what we're trying to achieve with the podcast both in content and in tone.

Over the last six or seven years of researching and speaking on this I have been met with quizzical looks and skeptical responses from people who don't understand the sheer importance of the issues we are now facing as we start to integrate a 'technology of self' into individuals and into society as a whole.

To say it has been an uphill struggle to get attention paid to these issues is an understatement.

I don't need to convince you - you're already subscribed to the newsletter and no doubt listen to the podcast - but most people have as yet not connected the dots between Identity, AI, and continued self sovereign existence.

I attempted to explain this in many places over the last few weeks but I can sum it up in this short presentation here:

And an even shorter explanation here:

I'm back next week with a Newsletter covering some very specific and topical issues around our changing identity and AI but let me leave you with some words from Kashmir Hill, the NY Times tech reporter who I spoke with at length in Episode 27 of the pod, where she outlines exactly the conundrum of our age:

Kashmir Hill: Your Face Belongs To Us - episode #27 The Future of You

You can still buy the book. And big thanks to those who already have!

Email me to book me to speak on the future of identity

Or through Futuremade Consulting to speak on the future of everything else.